LEI Search
LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) Search is a tool that allows you to search for and find information about legal entities that have been issued a LEI.
An LEI is a unique 20-character code that identifies legal entities participating in financial transactions.
It is used to identify and track financial transactions, and is designed to provide a common language for identifying legal entities involved in financial transactions around the world.
To use LEI Search, you typically enter the LEI code or the name of the legal entity you are searching for,
and the tool will return information about the entity, such as its name, address, and other identifying information.
Our LEI Search is often used by financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and other organizations that need to identify
and track legal entities involved in financial transactions.
It is an important tool for ensuring the integrity and transparency of financial markets, and is used in a variety of contexts, including compliance, risk management, and reporting.
Data stored in LEI records
The information available through our LEI Search tool varies depending on the jurisdiction and the information that has been registered for a particular legal entity. However, a LEI Search tool should provide the following types of data:
- Legal entity name: The full name of the legal entity being searched for.
- LEI code: The unique 20-character code that identifies the legal entity.
- Legal address: The legal address of the legal entity, including the street, city, state/province, country, and postal code.
- Headquarters address: The address where the legal entity is registered, if different from the legal address.
- Entity status: The current status of the legal entity, such as "active" or "inactive."
- LEI status: The current status of the LEI registration in GLEIS.
- Registration date: The date on which the legal entity was registered with the LEI system.
- Next Renewal: The date on which the legal entity's LEI code is set to expire and must be renewed.
- Entity Legal Form: The type of legal entity, such as a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship.
- Jurisdiction Of Formation: The jurisdiction under which the legal entity is registered.
How to add your entity to LEI database?
To add your legal entity to the database of a particular LEI issuer, you will need to submit the LEI registration application available on our website.
After you apply for an LEI, you will receive a 20-character code that is unique to your entity.
Immediately after registration succeeds, the LEI Issuer sends the registration data to the Global LEI System (GLEIS), which publishes the registration data to the LEI database.
Within a timeframe of usually 24 hours from registration, your data will be available openly to anyone through the LEI Search.
Does LEI Search include non-active entities?
An LEI code is typically assigned to a legal entity when it is first registered with the LEI system. The legal entity will be considered active at the time of registration.
Although, an LEI code may become inactive if the participant financial legal entity is no longer participating in financial transactions or if the LEI code has not been renewed.
LEI Search tool does include information about entities with LAPSED LEI registration in their database, along with information about the status of the entity (such as "active" or "inactive").
This lookup tool is useful for regulatory and compliance purposes, as it allows organizations to track the history of legal entities even if they are no longer active.